Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Living Through Lies

Author’s note:  This is a fictional piece assigned on December 6th from the substitute. This is the first part of the story there will likely be a second.

The footsteps are getting clearer. They're getting faster. Click clack click clack. The owner of the feet are at a full out sprint, Then silence. A crash, like that of a window breaking, woke me with a start. I tiptoed downstairs stepping as if so that Santa couldn’t hear me. My head spins around cautiously and takes into view the living room, the television and the DVD player are missing.  Unluckily my parents are not home, they are at a party. I sneak through the doorway into the kitchen to get to the phone to call the police.

Thud, I get pinned against the wall in an instant. The one holding me to the wall is twice as wide as me and twice as muscular. A thinner man in a leather jacket steps in front of me with a bag of our belongings. The thinner thug yanks me up by my collar and violently utters, “You tell anyone we were here it’ll cost you your life.” The larger one steps up to me and indirectly reminds me that they know where I live and could kill me anytime they please. I nod in agreement. The thinner one almost choking me know, releases his grip and I fall on the kitchen floor. The pair break out the back window with our items. I lift myself up and grab the phone. I without thinking dial Mom’s number and wait for her to pick up. I quickly press the end button. I hang up the phone remembering what will happen.  

The following morning I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. Like normal I take a shower and put on a fresh pair of clothes. I make myself a bowl of cereal and lazily pile it into my mouth.  My mother walks downstairs and spots me in the kitchen.

“Did you see what happened?” she questions.

I reply, “No?”  

“Well while we were out last night our house was robbed,” she exclaims.

Astounded I say, “No way!”

“They took the TV, the DVD player, our GPS, and that’s not all!”

“I had no idea.”

At this point my mom broke into tears. It was extremely difficult to lie to my mom but it was for the best. If I wanted to live I would have to lie. I would have to lie to the world.

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