Monday, September 19, 2011

Sunset Shore

Author's note: In this piece I am focusing on vivid vocabulary and sentence structure.
As you lay on the gravel your muscles unwind. A reviving massage you’ve finally obtained. The pebbles are lukewarm giving a quiet sensation. A tropical breeze whisks your hair, chilling you from the warmth. You sit up to gaze upon the horizon. Marlin are soaring out of the water as the sun sets once more. A crimson cloak forms around the sun. It sets unnoticed as the mirror in the water projects the suns withdrawal, and the moons entrance.  The silvery water is an acrylic portrait of the towering moon.  The time is late. the moon is already halfway across the sky. You take to you feet and walk off on the frozen pebbles.

1 comment:

  1. You definitely used very good vocab. I enjoyed reading this piece, as I could relate with the subject. Your sentence structures were proficient, but there were some conventional errors. This piece was fun to read and interesting. Nice job!
